Already But Not Yet
There is a delicacy that follows me throughout my days—a keen awareness of the brevity of life. I live in the tension between the already but not yet. Part of this world, yet part of another. These past five months have been challenging in ways that I have wrestled with quietly. After my husband was diagnosed with his heart condition, one with no answers and no known fix right now, I have battled daily with the fear of losing him. Fear likes to come in and distract us from what is right before us, the good and the reality. Friends, this is a sobering soul talk today, a reminder that this is all temporary. Our days with those who we love are never promised to us. I have had to face this more than I like in my lifetime, and even still, it’s a truth that’s hard to hold.
How can we turn into this truth, though?
How can we face the reality of this life and the glory that awaits us?
How can we let it transform us as women and mothers?
The answers are in the questions themselves. Turn into the reality that today is a gift. That tomorrow is not promised. That of all the types of mothering we can offer our children, eternal-minded mothering would serve them best. This requires an intentional presence but also a longing for truth to invade all areas of our lives.
The Most Important Role as a Mother
A truth that I have carried with me for years now is that of all the roles in my life, the most important one I have is to prepare my children to meet Jesus. That requires of me a necessary dying to self, a continual pursuit of compassion, and to love relentlessly like He has loved and still loves us today.
These are complex realities to ponder and wrestle with but let me remind you that we are Kingdom Women. Our home is not this world. We are in it but not of it. I pray that truth covers your heart today as you love your children a little more tender and hold them a little closer today.
Letters to You
On a very practical note, I am committing to love my children by cultivating a legacy that is mostly found in the day in and day out moments. But in addition to daily living, I feel led to write to my children so that they will never forget, always have my words, and always have the truth. Here is a simple yet beautiful journal that I found- Letters to You. We may not always be around, but our love and our words will be.
Thank you for walking this journey with me. Thank you for being here for the hard soul talks. It takes bravery and courage to turn into and not away from the things in this life that scare us.
Let us journey together for the good and the glory.