Lillie Duncan
Redeeming the art of motherhood through story work, story work, gentle parenting, homemaking, homeschooling, + intentional living.


Where is the Beauty?

by | Feb 9, 2021 | Motherhood

We are in a season of life where the demand of everyday busy life feels absolutely violent to my soul some days. Violence has an absence of purity, an absence of goodness, an absence of beauty. Even on the days where we don’t go anywhere, time is spent coaching and growing alongside three small souls that are learning to navigate this world along with their feelings. And though these are good things, such good things, I still feel the over-exhaustion of the soul and a longing for simple, a longing for beauty. The journey to rest, proper soul rest, has been so much a part of the thread that weaves my life lately. It is the teacher I have needed for so long. As I was lying still underneath the cloak of rare quietness the other day, I was thinking about this, “What do we (as mothers) do when beauty isn’t anywhere to be found?”

Not every season is going to be easy or peaceful. Not every home we live in will be put together the way social media portrays as beautiful. Not every relationship is going to be smooth. Not every location is going to have mountains to explore or oceans to sail. So what do we do when we can’t find beauty?

We make it. We create it. We cultivate it. We honor it. We make time for it. We give of ourselves for it. This is motherhood truly, to be the ones to constantly create beauty, beauty out of nothing, beauty just because, beauty as an offering. Beauty is that internal manifestation of all the love you give and all the love that gives right back.

Film Image of my dear friend Maria Lamb and her beautiful children.

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I´m Lillie and I love sharing about this ever-evolving journey of womanhood and motherhood.

I believe that our greatest wounds hold for us our greatest gifts, even in motherhood. I use this space to share about my own journey of motherhood, story work, and personal healing. I mix in homemaking, everyday life, and some vanlife travels.