Lillie Duncan
Redeeming the art of motherhood through story work, story work, gentle parenting, homemaking, homeschooling, + intentional living.



by | Dec 2, 2021 | Womanhood

The more I evolve in the knowledge of self, others, God, and wisdom the more I realize the possibility of mystery outweighs the possibility of certainty. To delight in the unknown bares more joy than to hold life and others tightly bound by lines and expectations.
There are moments where the finality of a moment, that fleeting breath of my body, invites me to confess I have no clue what the day really holds. Today, tomorrow, or the next. Perhaps, the true key to fullness is fluidity. To hold everything so loosely, whether it is happiness, pain, beauty, or trials. It is life, not passing me by but yet, passing through me, evolving me.
Who I am, who you are… we really are not that different in this manner. Who you are now isn’t who you used to be. Who you are now will not be the same person that wakes tomorrow, the next, or even a year from now.
We are oceans. Tides constantly returning to the depth and mystery of life that beckons for our surrender. Internal growth riding on the waves of uncertainty.

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I´m Lillie and I love sharing about this ever-evolving journey of womanhood and motherhood.

I believe that our greatest wounds hold for us our greatest gifts, even in motherhood. I use this space to share about my own journey of motherhood, story work, and personal healing. I mix in homemaking, everyday life, and some vanlife travels.