As you walk through this world
Gentleness has always preceded you
There, in your light, I find reflections of myself
Deeply embedded in this face before me
A softness that speaks only of love with no end
Woven in by the thread of my hand
This ever unfolding tapestry
Of who you will become
My own words
Laying way to the sacred ground of your soul
Giving life to your Voice
Upholding creation in this world
And the next
A Voice that will carry through
The confines of time and space
Mere echoes of my love and legacy
Delicately embodied in the gentleness that is you
All hanging on the crescent of a changing moon
Casting a pure light through the dust of my shadow
An invitation back home into my arms
Eventually, back home to yourself.
A Poem for my Rosalie
-Lillie Duncan